Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Jean: Sandra Bullock
Graham: Don Cheadle
Officer Ryan: Matt Dillon
Ria: Jennifer Esposito
Flanagan: William Fichtner
Rick: Brendan Fraser
Cameron: Terrence Dashon Howard
Anthony: Ludacris
Crash is one of those movies where everything eventually comes together in the end. I happen to be a huge fan of these films, if they are well done. Crash is one of the best movies of the year.
Dialogue is thought out and the acting is great. Sometimes casting agents do not get the credit they deserve.
The camera work flows with the story, and becomes its own character.
I am not going to go into the storyline too much here, simply because I think I would sound like one of those girls trying to explain a month of a soap opera. You know there is this guy and he is married to this girl who used to be ….and then they are out and a guy…., but he is really a …. Trust me the movie makes complete sense while you are watching it. Each character has good points and bad, you will hate them one minute and then relate completely the next. Most mean well, but have hang-ups, that will not allow them to do/say the right thing.
** And it turns out I am STILL in love with Matt Dillon, but that is just me.
In any event, if you can find this in a theatre, please go. You will be happy you did.
I am sorry this review is so short; sometimes the good movies do not need much help. This film stands on its own, as it should.
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