Friday, May 13, 2005
Dust to Glory

Dust to GloryDust:
Too many people that nobody knows, but should
Does NOT star Andretti, S.McQueen or James Garner!
First, I must state that Endless Summer is not even close to Bruce Brown’s best movie. So, to say that Dana Brown is the son of Endless Summer’s creator is to me a huge misnomer. In my world On Any Sunday (not the Jamie Fox football flick) is by far superior to anything that has a surfer in it. Dana Brown is truly his father’s son and it is to his credit that he has made a film containing most of the greatness of On Any Sunday with Dust to Glory.
Dust to Glory is a story about the 2003 Baja 1000 and the lunatics who race it. Loveable lunatics who are just looking to have a good time and are not worried about dying go to Baja California each year to ride or drive the 1000 mile race course. Some have been racing for 30 years.
Motorcycles, trophy trucks, truggys, bone stock Volkswagen bugs and 23 other classes of vehicle race 1000 miles for almost no money on a race course that is totally open to the public, spectators, cows, sheep, bicycles…..and what have you.
Dana Brown is so much like his father it is a little scary at times. Many other reviewers have complained about Brown’s style, calling it “cheesy” “corny” and “superficial” clearly they do not understand that this is how both Brown’s operate. The narration is matter of fact and full of the same ironic comments as Endless Summer, On Any Sunday and all of the others written and produced by the Browns.
I have a problem with the list of people “appearing” in this film. Mario Andretti is simply “at” the race, he takes off for a test drive in a trophy truck, says that he really loves Sal Fish, hitches a ride with some strangers and is not seen nor heard from again. Steve McQueen died in the 80’s he is shown in clips from On Any Sunday but that is it. I am not sure if this was an attempt to lure folks into the film or not. Either way if you do not know who Malcolm Smith, Larry Rosseler, J.N. Roberts or Ricky Johnson are you may not find this movie as fascinating as I did. All of these men have been around forever, and love their sport.
I would say that I recommend this film to anyone who loves off road racing or just wants to see what some people will do for personal glory. Let me know what you think! Happy viewing.
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